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Grow your library and support a safe space for community by becoming a member of Casita Bookstore, and receive these great benefits!
- Cafecito Club delivered to your door every month
- Welcome Gift included in your first box!
- 20% discount on all store purchases
- Show support for your local bookstore
- Access to monthly newsletter
- One book gift during birthday month! ($30 value)
- Two bags of coffee from monthly partners + one book of the month!
Cancel at any time.
Grow your library and support a safe space for community by becoming a member of Casita Bookstore, and receive these great benefits!
- Cafecito Club delivered to your door every month
20% discount on all store purchases
- Show support for your local bookstore
- Access to monthly newsletter
- One book gift during birthday month! ($30 value) after 2nd billing cycle.
- Two bags of coffee from monthly partners + one book of the month!