This fascinating picture book explores the underground communication system between trees and helps young readers see that the natural world’s survival depends on staying connected and helping others—just like us!
Readers will discover that trees have their own social network, and helping one another thrive is trending.
The fascinating mycorrhizal fungi network runs underground through the forest via the roots of trees, allowing for connection and communication.
Listen to the Language of the Trees captures the magic of talking trees that take care of their neighbors (not to mention the mysterious fungi that help them do it).
A lyrical read aloud, Listen to the Language of the Trees is the story of a seedling, newly sprouted at the base of a giant tree. As it stretches its roots into an underground web of fungi, it learns that its fellow trees use the fungi to pass messages and share resources! It will take great luck for this tiny seedling to survive, but it will have help from its friends in the forest. The Douglas fir forest also harbors creatures like a zany Yellow Pine chipmunk gathering and forgetting seed cones, an owl nested in the giant tree, and chattering Steller's jays. And, as we must never forget, no part of the forest is entirely free from danger!